Similimum Ultra Homeopathic Software


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SIMILIMUM ULTRA SOFTWARE- DISCOUNT OFFER EXTENDED. Currently running Special 50% Discount Offer will stay in force till World Homeopathy Day, APRIL 10, 2015. Try to utilize this opportunity. Similimum Ultra Homeopathic Software- Special DISCOUNT OFFER ONLY FOR MEMBERS OF MY FACEBOOK GROUP ‘HOMEOPATHY FOR TOTAL CURE’. Pay only Rs 4500 (instead of original price INR 9000). HURRY!!! Credit Rs 4500 to : ICICI Bank Account No 018101507170 Name: Chandran Nambiar Branch Code: 00181 IFSC CODE: ICICI 0000181. Branch: KANNUR After crediting the amount, SMS your address and mobile number to 919446520252. CDs will be delivered through courier services. This special discount offer is available only for members of our DISCUSSION GROUP ‘HOMEOPATHY FOR TOTAL CURE’. This special offer is part of our ambitious drive to raise the membership of our group to 50000. If you are not a member now, join the group first, before placing order for Similimum Ultra at the reduced price.

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Homeopathy will not be scientifically explained, only because some ‘reputed scientists’ belonging to some ‘premier institutions’ make a key note address in a ‘homeopathy seminar’ and gloss over homeopathy by interspersing with some off-hand remarks about terms such as ‘molecular theory’ or ‘nanoparticles’ that may attract some enthralled claps from the dedicated homeopathic audiences sitting before the dais. Homeopathy will not be scientifically explained, only because some nobel laureates “support” or utter some ‘good words’ about homeopathy. Homeopathy will not be scientifically explained only because ‘great personalities’ such as mahathma gandhi, nelson mandela, mother theresa or ‘royal family of britain’ used or recommended homeopathy prescriptions. To be scientifically explained and recognized as a ‘medical science’, following questions should be answered and proved by SCIENTIFIC METHODS. 1. What is the actual process that happens during drug potentization, by which the medicinal properties of drug substances are retained in a medium diluted very much above avogadro limit? 2. What are the ACTIVE PRINCIPLES of homeopathic drugs potentized above avogadro limit? 3. What is the exact BIOLOGICAL MECHANISM by which the ‘active principles’ contained in the potentized drugs interact with the living organism and produce a curative effect as envisaged by the axiom ‘similia similibus curentur’?

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Asthma Remedies And Their Indications- Compiled Using Similimum Ultra Software: ADRENALINUM ·Therapeutically, Adrenaline has been suggested in acute congestion of lungs, Asthma, Grave’s and Addison’s diseases, arterio-sclerosis, chronic aortitis, angina pectoris, haemophilia chlorosis, hay fever, serum rashes, acute urticaria, etc. ALUMEN Asthma. ·First to thirtieth potency. The very highest potencies have proved efficacious. Powdered alum, 10 grains, placed on tongue, said to arrest an attack of asthma. AMBRA GRISEA Asthmatic breathing with eructation of gas. AMBROSIA ARTEMISIAEFOLIA Irritation of trachea and bronchial tubes, with asthmatic attacks (Aral; Eucalypt). AMYLENUM NITROSUM Dyspnoea and asthmatic feelings. ·Dose : For palliations. In all conditions where the blood-vessels are spasmodically contracted, as in angina pectoris, epileptic seizure, megrim, accompanied by cold, pallor, etc, also in paroxysms of asthma, chloroform asphyxia, inhalation of the Amyl nit will give immediate relief. For this non-homeopathic application, two to five minims (put up in pearls) dropped on a handkerchief and inhaled may be required. ANISUM STELLATUM ·Old asthmatics. ANTIMONIUM IODATUM Humid asthma. ARALIA RACEMOSA ·This is a remedy for asthmatic conditions, with cough aggravated on lying down. ·Asthma on lying down at night with spasmodic cough; worse after first sleep, with tickling in throat. ARGENTUM CYAN ·asthma, spasm of oesophgus. ARSENICUM ALBUM ·Asthma worse midnight. ARUM DRACONTIUM ·Asthmatic at night. BACILLINUM ·Humid asthma. BADIAGA ·Coryza, sneezing, watery discharge, with asthmatic breathing and suffocative cough. ·Hay-fever, with asthmatic breathing. BARYTA MURIATICA ·Arterio-sclerosis of the lung, thus in senile asthma, modifies the arterial tension. BENZOICUM ACIDUM ·Gouty and asthmatic. ·Asthmatic cough; worse at night; lying on right side. BLATTA ORIENTALIS ·A remedy for asthma. Especially when associated with bronchitis. Indicated after arsenic when this is insufficient. BROMIUM ·Asthma; difficulty in getting air into lung (Chlorum, in expelling). CALADIUM SEGUINUM ·Asthmatic complaints. ·Itching rash alternates with asthma. ·Catarrhal asthma; mucus not readily raised. CALCAREA HYPOPHOS ·Mesenteric tuberculosis. Bleeding from lungs; angina pectoris; asthma; affections of arteries. CAMPHORA ·Asthma. CANNABIS INDICA ·Humid asthma. CARBO VEGETABILIS ·Waterbrash, asthmatic breathing from flatulence. ·Respiratory : Asthma in aged with blue skin. CARDUUS MARIANUS ·Diseases of miners, associated with asthma. ·Chest : Asthmatic respiration. CHINA OFFICINALIS ·Respiratory : Asthma; worse damp weather. CHININUM ARSENICOSUM ·Asthmatic attacks which recur periodically, with great prostration. Icy skin. CHLORALUM HYDRATUM ·Respiratory : Asthma, with sleeplessness. CHLORUM ·Asthma to relieve the spasm of glottis. CISTUS CANADENSIS ·Asthmatic after lying down (trachea feels narrow), preceded by formication. COCA-ERYTHROXYLON COCA ·Asthma, spasmodic variety. COCHLEARIA ARMORACIA ·Mucous asthma. CROTON TIGLIUM ·Asthma, with cough; cannot expand the chest. CUPRUM ARSENICOSUM ·Bronchial asthma and with emphysema. CUPRUM METALLICUM ·Spasm and constriction of chest; spasmodic asthma, alternating with spasmodic vomiting. ·Angina with asthmatic symptoms and cramps (Clarke). DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA ·Asthma when talking, with contraction of the throat at every word uttered. DULCAMARA ·Asthma with dyspnoea. ERIODYCTION CALIFORNICUM ·A remedy for asthmatic and bronchial affections. ·Asthma relieved by expectoration. ·Wheezing; asthma, with coryza and mucous secretions. EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS ·Asthma, with great dyspnoea and palpitation. ·Moist asthma. EUPHORBIA PILUL ·Humid asthma. EUPHORBIUM OFFICINARUM ·Spasmodic, dry cough, day and night, with asthma. FERRUM ACETICUM ·Epistaxis; espe cially adapted to thin; pale, weak children who grow rapidly and are easily exhausted; varices of the feat; copious expectoration of ; greenish pus, asthma; worse, sitting still and lying, phthisis, constant , cough, vomiting of food after eating haemoptysis. GRAPHITES ·Constriction of chest; spasmodic asthma, suffocative attacks wakes from sleep; must eat something. GRINDELIA ROBUSTA ·Asthmatic conditions, chronic bronchitis. ·Hyperchlorhydria when attended with asthmatic and other neurotic symptoms. ·Asthma, with profuse tenacious expectoration, which relieves. HEPAR SULPHUR ·Anxious, wheezing, moist breathing, asthma worse in dry cold air; better in damp. HIPPOZAENINUM ·Bronchial asthma. HYDROCYANICUM ACIDUM ·Asthma, with contraction of throat. HYPERICUM PERFORATUM ·Spasmodic asthmatic attacks with changes of weather or before storms, better by copious expectoration. ·Asthma worse foggy weather and relieved by profuse perspiration. ICTODES FOETIDA ·For asthmatic complaints; worse from inhaling any dust. ·Millar’s asthma. ·Respiratory : Asthma; relieved by stool. IODOFORMIUM ·Chest : Asthmatic breathing. ·Dose : Second trituration. Three grains on the back of the tongue will relieve attack of asthmatic breathing. IPECACUANHA ·Respiratory : Asthma. ·Relationship : In Asthma, compare: Blatta orientalis. JUNCUS EFFUSUS ·Asthmatic symptoms in haemorrhoidal subjects. JUSTICIA ADHATODA ·Asthmatic attacks, cannot endure a close, warm room. KALIUM IODATUM ·Asthma. KALIUM MURIATICUM ·Asthma, with gastric derangements; mucus white and hard to cough up. KALIUM NITRICUM ·Often indicated in asthma, also valuable in cardiac asthma; of great value in sudden dropsical swellings over the whole body. ·Asthma, with excessive dyspnoea, nausea, dull stitches, and burning in chest. KALIUM PHOSPHORICUM ·Respiratory : Asthma; least food aggravates. KALIUM SULPHURICUM ·Bronchial asthma, with yellow expectoration. KOLA ·Asthma. LACHESIS MUTUS ·Hay asthma; paroxysms of sneezing (Silica; Sabad). LEMNA MINOR ·Asthma from nasal obstruction; worse in wet weather. LINUM USITATISSIMUM ·The application of Linseed poultice has produced in sensitive subjects severe respiratory disturbances, as asthma, hives, etc. ·It has a place in the treatment of asthma, hay-fever and urticaria. LIPPA MEXICANA ·Persistent, dry, hard, bronchial cough-asthma and chronic bronchitis. LOBELIA INFLATA ·Languor, relaxation of muscles, nausea, vomiting and dyspepsia are the general indications that point to the use of this remedy, in asthma and gastric affections. ·Asthma; attacks, with weakness, felt in pit of stomach and preceded by prickling all over. LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS ·Cardiac asthma (Sumbul). MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM ·Asthmatic oppression of chest. MANGANUM ACETICUM ·Asthmatic persons who cannot lie on a feather pillow. MEDORRHINUM ·Asthma. MENTHOLUM ·Asthmatic breathing, with congestive headache. MEPHITIS PUTORIUS ·Suffocative feeling, asthmatic paroxysms, spasmodic cough; cough so violent, seems as if each spell would terminate life. ·Asthma, as if inhaling sulphur; cough from talking; hollow, deep, with rawness, hoarseness, and pains through chest. MOSCHUS ·Difficult respiration; chest oppressed; hysterical spasm of chest; asthma. ·Asthma, with intense anxiety, fear, and smothering sensation. NAJA TRIPUDIANS ·Asthmatic constriction in evening. ·Asthma beginning with coryza. NAPHTHALINUM ·Spasmodic asthma; better in open air. · Respiratory : Emphysema in the aged with asthma. NATRUM ARSENICOSUM ·Miner’s asthma. NATRIUM NITRICUM ·Asthma with urine supersaturated with solids. NATRIUM SULPHURICUM ·Humid asthma; rattling in chest, at 4 and 5 am. ·Asthma in children, as a constitutional remedy. ·Every fresh cold brings on attack of asthma. NUX VOMICA ·sthma, with fullness in stomach, morning or after eating. OENOTHERA BIENNIS ·Whooping-cough and spasmodic asthma. OLEANDER ·Oppression as from a weight; asthmatic when lying down. OLEUM ANIMALE AETHEREUM ·Asthma from suppressed foot-sweat. ONISCUS ASELLUS ·Asthmatic conditions, with bronchial catarrh. PASSIFLORA INCARNATA ·Asthma, 10-30 gtt every ten minutes for a few doses. PECTEN ·Humid asthma. ·Asthma preceded by coryza and burning in throat. and chest. PEUMUS BOLDUS ·Burning weight in region of liver and stomach, bitter taste, languor; abscess of liver; asthma,’ bronchitis, cattarrh, oedema of lung. PHELEUM PRATENSE ·Hey fever with asthma: watery coryza, itching of nose and eyes, frequent sneezing, dyspnoea. Use 6-30 potency Rabe. PSORINUM ·Asthma, with dyspnoea; worse, sitting up; better, lying down and keeping arms spread wide apart. PTELEA TRIFOLIATA ·Asthma. ·Asthma; dyspnoea; cramp-like pain in cardiac region. PULMO VULPIS ·Persistent shortness of breath causing a paroxysm of asthma on the slightest motion. QUEBRACHO ·An effective remedy in many cases of asthma. ·Cardiac asthma. SAMBUCUS NIGRA ·Millar’s asthma. SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS ·Asthma with stomach disorders (Nux). SCROPHULARIA NODOSA ·Asthma in scrofulous patients. SENEGA ·Old asthmatics with congestive attacks. SILPHIUM LACINATUM ·Is used in various forms of asthma and chronic bronchitis SINAPIS NIGRA ·Asthmatic breathing. SOLIDAGO VIRGAUREA ·Asthma, with nightly dysuria. SPONGIA TOSTA ·Amenorrhoea, with asthma (Puls). · Bronchial catarrh, with wheezing, asthmatic cough, worse cold air, with profuse expectoration and suffocation; worse, lying with head low and in hot room. ·Hypertrophy of heart, especially right, with asthmatic symptoms. STROPHANTHUS HISPIDUS : ·Bronchial and cardiac asthma. SUCCINIC ACID ·Paroxysmal sneezing, dropping of watery mucus from nostrils; asthma. ·Inflammation through respiratory tract; causing asthma, chest pains etc. itching of eyelids and canthi and nose worse drafts. Use 6 to 80th potency. SUCCINUM ·Asthma. ·Asthma, incipient phthisis, chronic bronchitis, pains in chest. SUMBULUS MOSCHATUS ·Asthma. ·Cardiac asthma. SYPHILINUM ·Aphonia; chronic asthma in summer, wheezing and rattling (Tart emet). TELA ARANEARUM ·Dry asthma, harassing coughs; periodic headaches with extreme nervous erethism. ·Nervous asthma and sleeplessness. TERPIN HYDRAT ·Whopping-cough, hay asthma and bronchial affections. 1-2 grain doses. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS ·Asthma in children (Nat sulph). THYMUS SERPYLLUM ·Respiratory infections of children; dry nervous asthma, whooping-cough, severe spasms but little sputum. VALERIANA OFFICINALIS ·Spasmodic asthma; convulsive movements of the diaphragm. VERBASCUM THAPSUS ·Respiratory : Asthma. VISCUM ALBUM ·Asthma. ·Asthma, if connected with gout or rheumatism. WYETHIA HELENOIDES ·Dry asthma. ZINCUM METALLICUM ·Asthmatic bronchitis, with constriction, of chest. ZINGIBER OFFICINALE ·Asthma, without anxiety, worse toward morning.

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Cancer Remedies and Their Indications- Compiled Using Similimum Ultra Software: ACETICUM ACIDUM ·Epithelial cancer, internally and locally (W Owens). ·Stomach : Cancer of stomach. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM Cancer of stomach. ANTIMONIUM CHLORIDUM ·A remedy for cancer. Mucous membranes destroyed. Abrasions. Skin cold and clammy. Great prostration of strength 3rd trit. APIS MELLIFICA Cancer of the tongue. AQUA CALCAREA ·It acts primarily on the blood, as in intoxications, scrofulous conditions, enteritis. It disintoxicates in cancer (administered subcutaneously in the treatment of diseases of skin, kidney and intestines, gastro-enteritis and tuberculosis). ARGENTUM NITRICUM ·Male : Cancer-like ulcers. ARSENICUM IODATUM ·Cancer of breast after ulceration has set in. ASTERIAS RUBENS ·Has been used for cancer of the breast, and has an unquestioned influence over cancer disease. Cancer mammae even in ulcerative stage. AURUM MURITICUM ·Cancer, tongue as hard as leather; induration after glossitis). BADIAGA Cancer of breast (Asterias; Con; Carbo an; Plumb iod). BUFO RANA Palliative in cancer of the mammae. CALCAREA ACETICA ·Cancer pains. CALCAREA ARSENICOSA Pancreatic disease; relieves burning pain in cancer of pancreas. Cancer of uterus; burning pain in uterus and vagina. CALCAREA OXALICA ·Excruciating pains of open cancer. CALENDULA OFFICINALIS ·Cancer, as an intercurrent remedy. CALTHA PALUSTRIS Uterine cancer. CARBO ANIMALIS Cancer of uterus, burning pain down thighs. CARBONEUM SULPHURATUM Useful to restrain the growth of skin cancer. CARCINOSINUM ·Indigestion, accumulation of gas in stomach and bowels; rheumatism-Cancerous cachexia. CARDUUS MARIANUS ·Rectum : Profuse diarrhoea due to rectal cancer. 10 drops doses (Wapler). CHOLESTERINUM ·For cancer of the liver. CHOLINE ·A constitution of Taraxacum root, has given encouraging results in the treatment of cancer. Choline is closely related to Neurin, it is the “Cancronie” of Prof. Adamkiewiez (E. Schlegel). CINNAMOMUM CEYLANICUM ·Cancer where pain and fetor are present. ·Dose : Tincture to third potency. For cancer, strong decoction, one-half pint in a day. Oil of cinnamon in aqueous solution best local disinfectant. 3-4 drops in two quarts of water as a douche, wherever a germicide and disinfectant is needed. Three drops on sugar for hiccough. CISTUS CANADENSIS Lupus, caries; open, bleeding cancer. CITRIC ACID ·Pains from cancer of tongue. ·For cancer pains generally, often effective. CITRUS LIMONUM ·Scorbutus, sore throat and cancer pains; checks excessive menstruation. CONIUM MACULATUM ·Weakness of body and mind, trembling, and palpitation. Cancerous diathesis. ·Acts on the glandular system, engorging and indurating it, altering its structure like scrofulous and cancerous conditions. CORYDALIS FORMOSA ·Cancer cachexia pronounced. CROTALUS HORRIDUS Cancer of tongue with haemorrhage. Cancer of stomach with vomiting of bloody, slimy mucus. CUNDURANGO ·Allays the pain in gastralgia accompanying cancer of stomach. ·Chronic gastric catarrh, syphilis, and cancer. ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA ·Last stages of cancer to ease pain. EOSINUM ·A remedy for cancer, polyarthritis. Proved in potencies by Dr. B. C. EUPHORBIUM OFFICINARUM ·Pains of cancer. FULIGO LIGNI ·Chronic irritations of mucous membranes of mouth; pruritus-vulvae; uterine haemorrhage; cancer, especially of scrotum-chimney sweeper’s cancer; epithelial cancers; cancer of womb with metrorrhagia; sadness, thoughts of suicide. GALIUM APARINE ·Has power of suspending or modifying cancerous action. ·Has clinical confirmation of its use in cancerous ulcers and nodulated tumors of the tongue. GRAPHITES ·Cancer of pylorus. GUACO ·Cancer. HIPPOZAENINUM ·This powerful nosode introduced by Dr. J. J. Garth Wilkinson, covers symptoms which suggest integral parts of consumption, cancer, syphilis, etc, and promises useful service in the treatment of ozaena, scrofulous swellings, pyaemia, erysipelas. HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS ·Cancer and cancerous state, before ulceration, when pain is principal symptom. Ulcers and cancer. ·Skin : Lupus; ulcers, cancerous formations. HYDROCOTYLE ASIATICA ·Pains of cervical cancer. KALIUM ARSENICOSUM Skin cancer, where suddenly an alarming malignancy without any external signs sets in. KALIUM CYANATUM ·Cancer of tongue and agonizing neuralgia have been benefited by this drug. KALIUM PERMANGANATUM ·Dose : Locally, 1 dram to a quart of water, to correct fetor in cancer, ulcer, ozaena, and other foul odors. Also as an injection in leucorrhoea and gonorrhoea. Internally, 2x dilution in water. Saturated solution locally in eruption of smallpox. KALIUM PHOSPHORICUM ·After removal of cancer when in healing process skin is drawn tight over the wound. KREOSOTUM ·Haemorrhages, ulcerations, cancerous affections. LOBELIA ERINUS ·Malignant growth, extremely rapid development; colloid cancer of the omentum; LUPULUS HUMULUS ·Dose : Tincture, to third potency. Lupulin 1X trit (Best in seminal emissions. Locally in painful cancers). MALANDRINUM ·Efficacious in clearing of the remnants of cancerous deposits (Copper). NATRUM SILICOFLUOR ·A cancer remedy, tumors, bone affections, caries, lupus, and ethmoidits. ORNITHOGALUM UMBELLATUM ·To be considered in chronic gastric and other abdominal indurations, possibly cancer of intestinal tract, especially of stomach and Caecum. OVA TOSTA ·Also effective in controlling suffering from cancer. OXALIS ACET ·The inspissated juice used as a cautery to remove cancerous growths of the lips. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM ·Useful in relieving pain of cancer. PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA Cancer of breast. PSORALEA ·Pains of cancer, ulcers. RADIUM BROMATUM ·Found effective in the treatment of rheumatism and gout, in skin affections generally, acne rosacea, naevi, moles, ulcers and cancers. RUMEX ACETOSA ·Dry, unremitting short cough and violent pains in the bowels; uvula elongated; inflammation of oesophagus; also cancer. SABADILLA ·Mind : Imagines that he is very sick; that parts are shrunken; that she is pregnant; that she has cancer; delirium during intermittents. SALUFER ·A cancer remedy; tumors, bone affections, caries, lupous, at ethmoidits. SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS Cancer of rectum. SCIRRIHNUM ·Cancer nosode ·Cancerous diathesto; enlarged glands; cancer of breast; worms. SEDUM REPENS ·Cancer, specific action on abdominal organs; pain loss of strength. SELENIUM METALLICUM ·Dose : Sixth to thirtieth potency. Colloidal Selenium injection for inoperable cancer. Pain, sleeplessness, ulceration and discharge are markedly diminished. SEMPERVIVUM TECTORUM ·Is recommended for herpes, zoster and cancerous tumors. Cancer of tongue (Galium). SENECIO JACOBAEA ·Cerebro-spinal irritation, rigid muscles, chiefly of neck and shoulder; also in cancer. STRYCHNOS GAULTHERIANA ·Cancer of glandular structures ·Removes fetor and haemorrhage in cancer, revives the healing process. TARAXACUM OFFICINALE ·Cancer of bladder. ·Dose : Tincture, to third potency. In cancer 1-2 drams fluid extract. TOSTA PRAEP ·Pain of cancer warts. TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE ·Cancerous diathesis. VIBURNUM PRUNI ·Cancer of the tongue X-RAY ·Repeated exposure to Roentgen (X-ray) has produced skin lesions often followed by cancer.

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എന്റെ മനസ്സിൽ വലിയ വലിയ സ്വപ്നങ്ങളുണ്ട്, സ്വപ്നപദ്ധതികളുണ്ട്; എന്നോടൊപ്പമുള്ളവർക്കാകട്ടെ, സ്വപ്നം കാണാനേ അറിയില്ല. ഒന്നുകിൽ ഞാൻ എന്റെ സ്വപ്നങ്ങൾ ഉപേക്ഷിച്ച് ഇവരോടൊപ്പം നിൽക്കണം; അല്ലെങ്കിൽ’ ഇവരെ ഉപേക്ഷിച്ച് എന്റെ സ്വപ്നങ്ങളുമായി മുന്നോട്ട് പോകണം. ഞാൻ വല്ലാത്ത ആശയക്കുഴപ്പത്തിലാണ്.

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എന്റെ മനസ്സിൽ വലിയ വലിയ സ്വപ്നങ്ങളുണ്ട്, സ്വപ്നപദ്ധതികളുണ്ട്, എന്നോടൊപ്പമുള്ളവർക്കാകട്ടെ സ്വപ്നം കാണാനേ അറിയില്ല. ഒന്നുകിൽ ഞാൻ എന്റെ സ്വപ്നങ്ങൾ ഉപേക്ഷിച്ച് ഇവരോടൊപ്പം നിൽക്കണം; അല്ലെങ്കിൽ എന്റെ സ്വപ്നങ്ങളെ ഉപേക്ഷിച്ച് ഇവരിൽ ഒരാൾ മാത്രമായി മാറണം.

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Pregnancy-related Remedies and their indications- Compiled Using Similimum Ultra Software: ACETICUM ACIDUM : Female: ·Nausea of pregnancy. ALETRIS FARINOSA ·Chlorotic girls and pregnant women. Stomach: ·Vomiting during pregnancy. Female: ·Muscular pains during pregnancy. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM : Abdomen: ·Abdominal symptoms appear during pregnancy. Female: ·Pain as if sprained in left side of abdomen during pregnancy. AMYGDALUS PERSICA ·A most valuable remedy in vomiting of various kinds; morning sickness. APOMORPHINUM : Head and Stomach: ·Reflex vomiting-pregnancy. BELLIS PERENNIS : Female: ·Varicose veins in pregnancy. Female: ·During pregnancy inability to walk. CALADIUM SEGUINUM : Female: ·Pruritus of vulva (Ambr; Kreos) and vagina during pregnancy (Hydrogen peroxyd 1: 12 locally). CALCAREA FLUORICA : Stool and Anus: ·Internal or blind piles frequently, with pain in back, generally far down on the sacrum, and constipation. ·Much wind in lower bowels. ·Worse, pregnancy CANTHARIS VESICATORIA ·Gastric derangements of pregnancy. CARBO ANIMALIS : Female: ·Nausea of pregnancy; worse at night. CERIUM OXALICUM ·Vomiting of pregnancy, and of half-digested food. INGLUVIN: Vomiting of pregnancy; gastric neurasthenia. Infantile vomiting and diarrhoea. 3x Tr CHAMOMILLA : Mouth: ·Toothache, if anything warm is taken, from coffee, during pregnancy. COCCULUS INDICUS ·It shows a special, attraction for light-haired females, especially during pregnancy, causing much nausea and backache. COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS ·Pruritus in pregnancy, with piles. Rectum: ·Constipation during pregnancy; with membranous dysmenorrhoea, following labor (Nux). CONIUM MACULATUM : Respiratory: ·Dry cough, almost continuous, hacking; worse, evening and at night; caused by dry spot in larynx with itching in chest and throat, when lying down, talking or laughing, and during pregnancy. CUCURBITA PEPO: ·Vomiting of pregnancy. CUPRUM ARSENICOSUM ·Nephritis of pregnancy. CYCLAMEN EUROPAEUM : Female: ·Hiccough during pregnancy. EQUISETUM HYEMALE : Urinary: ·Retention and dysuria during pregnancy and after delivery. ERIGERON CANADENSE : Female: ·Menorrhagia; profuse leucorrhoea; bloody lochia returns after least motion, comes in gushes; between periods, leucorrhoea with urinary irritation; pregnant women with “weak uterus;” a bloody discharge on slight exertion. GLONOINUM : Head: ·Rush of blood to head in pregnant women. GOSSYPIUM HERBACEUM ·Homeopathically, it corresponds to many reflex conditions, depending on disturbed uterine function and pregnancy. Female: ·Morning sickness, with sensitive uterine region. GRAPHITES : Stomach: ·Morning sickness during menstruation. HELONIAS DIOICA : Female: ·Albuminuria during pregnancy. HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS ·Goitre of puberty and pregnancy. Throat: ·Goitre of puberty and pregnancy. HYOSCYAMUS NIGER : Female: ·Spasms of pregnant women. ICHTHYOLUM : Skin: ·Pruritus of pregnancy. INGLUVIN ·Vomiting of pregnancy; gastric neurasthenia. IPECACUANHA : Female: Vomiting during pregnancy. IRIDIUM METALLICUM ·Nephritis of pregnancy. JACARANDA CAROBA ·Morning sickness. KALIUM MURIATICUM : Female: ·Morning sickness, with vomiting of white phlegm. KALIUM BROMATUM : Respiratory: ·Reflex cough during pregnancy. KALIUM CARBONICUM : Back: ·Severe backache during pregnancy, and after miscarriage. KALIUM CHLORICUM ·Toxaemic conditions of pregnancy (urinary symptoms). KALIUM SALICYLICUM ·Vomiting especially of pregnancy; arterio-sclerosis, with chronic rheumatism. KREOSOTUM : Female: ·Vomiting of pregnancy, with ptyalism. LAC VACCINUM COAGULATUM ·Nausea of pregnancy. LACTICUM ACIDUM ·Morning sickness, diabetes, and rheumatism offer a field for this remedy. Stomach: ·Nausea; morning sickness, especially in pale anaemic women. LOBELIA INFLATA : Stomach: ·Morning sickness. MAGNESIUM CARBONICUM : Face: ·Toothache, especially during pregnancy; worse at night; worse, cold and quiet. MEDORRHINUM : Stomach: ·Pernicious vomiting of pregnancy. MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS ·Albuminuria in early pregnancy (Phosph later and at full term). MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS : Female: ·Morning sickness, with profuse salivation. MILLEFOLIUM : Female: ·Painful varices during pregnancy. MURIATICUM ACIDUM : Rectum: ·Haemorrhoids during pregnancy; bluish, hot with violent stitches. NATRIUM PHOSPHORICUM : Female: ·Morning sickness, with sour vomiting. NUX MOSCHATA : Mouth: ·Toothache in pregnancy. OENANTHE CROCATA ·Epileptiform convulsions; worse, during menstruation and pregnancy. PODOPHYLLINUM ·Many troubles during pregnancy; pendulous abdomen after confinement; prolapsus uteri; painless cholera morbus. Female: ·Haemorrhoids, with prolapsus ani during pregnancy. POPULUS TREMULOIDES ·Good remedy in vesical troubles after operations and in pregnancy. PSORINUM : Stomach: ·Nausea; vomiting of pregnancy. SABADILLA : Mind: ·Imagines that he is very sick; that parts are shrunken; that she is pregnant; that she has cancer; delirium during intermittents. SEPIA OFFICINALIS : Female: ·Morning sickness. SODII BICARBONAS ·Vomiting of pregnancy with acetonuria, 30 grains in water spread over twenty-four hours. STRONTIUM BROM ·Vomiting of pregnancy. STRYCHNINUM PURUM : Stomach: ·Nausea of pregnancy. SYMPHORICARPUS RACEMOSUS ·This drug is highly recommended for the persistent vomiting of pregnancy. TABACUM : Stomach: ·Incessant nausea; worse, smell of tobacco smoke (Phos); vomiting on least motion, sometimes of fecal matter, during pregnancy with much spitting. THYROIDINUM ·Agalactea- Begin treatment early in pregnancy. Dose 1 1/2 gr. 2 to 3 times daily. ·Vomiting of pregnancy (give early in morning before patient gets up). VIBURNUM PRUNI ·Morning sickness, menstrual irregularities of sterile females with uterine displacements. VIOLA ODORATA : Respiratory: ·Dyspnoea during pregnancy. ZINGIBER OFFICINALE : Abdomen: ·Hot, sore, painful anus during pregnancy.

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SIMILIMUM ULTRA SOFTWARE- DISCOUNT OFFER EXTENDED. Currently running Special 50% Discount Offer will stay in force till World Homeopathy Day, APRIL 10, 2015. Try to utilize this opportunity. Similimum Ultra Homeopathic Software- Special DISCOUNT OFFER ONLY FOR MEMBERS OF MY FACEBOOK GROUP ‘HOMEOPATHY FOR TOTAL CURE’. Pay only Rs 4500 (instead of original price INR 9000). HURRY!!! Credit Rs 4500 to : ICICI Bank Account No 018101507170 Name: Chandran Nambiar Branch Code: 00181 IFSC CODE: ICICI 0000181. Branch: KANNUR After crediting the amount, SMS your address and mobile number to 919446520252. CDs will be delivered through courier services. This special discount offer is available only for members of our DISCUSSION GROUP ‘HOMEOPATHY FOR TOTAL CURE’. This special offer is part of our ambitious drive to raise the membership of our group to 50000. If you are not a member now, join the group first, before placing order for Similimum Ultra at the reduced price.

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Similimum Ultra Homeopathic Software


Currently running Special 50% Discount Offer will stay in force till World Homeopathy Day, APRIL 10, 2015. Try to utilize this opportunity.


Pay only Rs 4500 (instead of original price INR 9000). HURRY!!!

Credit Rs 4500 to :
ICICI Bank Account No 018101507170
Name: Chandran Nambiar
Branch Code: 00181
Branch: KANNUR

After crediting the amount, SMS your address and mobile number to 919446520252. CDs will be delivered through courier services.

This special discount offer is available only for members of our DISCUSSION GROUP ‘HOMEOPATHY FOR TOTAL CURE’. This special offer is part of our ambitious drive to raise the membership of our group to 50000. If you are not a member now, join the group first, before placing order for Similimum Ultra at the reduced price.
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One learned friend belonging to Regional Research Institute of Homoeopathy,Mumbai. has asked me “do not distort the basics of homeopathy.” He accuses me of “irresponsible comments” without any “peer reviewed papers published”, that “divert the inexperienced homeopaths or students into a wrong path”. I hope somebody would tell me what are the “basics of homeopathy” that should not be “distorted”? Which are the “basics of homeopathy” that are proved by “peer-reviewed” researches?

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What Is The Key To The Successful Homeopathic Practice? Practice homeopathy with minimum THEORY, with minimum ‘DON’TS’. Practice it with confidence- without any fear or foreboding. COLLECT ALL ‘ABNORMAL BASIC SYMPTOMS’ CONVERT THEM THEM INTO ‘COMPLETE SYMPTOMS’ BY ADDING WITH THEIR ‘ACCESSORIES’ SUCH AS ‘CAUSATION-LOCATION-SENSATION-PRESENTATION-MODALITY-CONCOMITANTS’. THEN SELECT ONE OR MORE SIMILIMUMS AS REQUIRED, USING ‘ANY’ OF THE VARIOUS METHODS APPROPRIATE FOR YOUR CASE. THIS IS THE PRIMARY SKILL YOU SHOULD MASTER. Use only 30C. Do not hesitate to repeat frequently. Do not hesitate to change remedies as indicated by symptoms . Do not worry about ‘single-multiple’ drugs. Do not worry about ‘drug relationships’. Do not worry about ‘miasmatic analysis’. Do not worry about ‘suppression’. Do not worry about ‘aggravations’ and ‘bad effects’ of potentized drugs. You will definitely succeed!

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Similimum Ultra Homeopathic Software


Currently running Special 50% Discount Offer will stay in force till World Homeopathy Day, APRIL 10, 2015. Try to utilize this opportunity.


Pay only Rs 4500 (instead of original price INR 9000). HURRY!!!

Credit Rs 4500 to :
ICICI Bank Account No 018101507170
Name: Chandran Nambiar
Branch Code: 00181
Branch: KANNUR

After crediting the amount, SMS your address and mobile number to 919446520252. CDs will be delivered through courier services.

This special discount offer is available only for members of our DISCUSSION GROUP ‘HOMEOPATHY FOR TOTAL CURE’. This special offer is part of our ambitious drive to raise the membership of our group to 50000. If you are not a member now, join the group first, before placing order for Similimum Ultra at the reduced price.
from Facebook

SIMILIMUM ULTRA SOFTWARE- NOTICE TO HOMEOPATHS: Currently running Special 50% Discount Offer will stay in force till World Homeopathy Day, APRIL 10, 2015. Try to utilize this opportunity. Similimum Ultra Homeopathic Software- Special DISCOUNT OFFER ONLY FOR MEMBERS OF MY FACEBOOK GROUP ‘HOMEOPATHY FOR TOTAL CURE’. Pay only Rs 4500 (instead of original price INR 9000). HURRY!!! Credit Rs 4500 to : ICICI Bank Account No 018101507170 Name: Chandran Nambiar Branch Code: 00181 IFSC CODE: ICICI 0000181. Branch: KANNUR After crediting the amount, SMS your address and mobile number to 919446520252. CDs will be delivered through courier services. This special discount offer is available only for members of our DISCUSSION GROUP ‘HOMEOPATHY FOR TOTAL CURE’. This special offer is part of our ambitious drive to raise the membership of our group to 50000. If you are not a member now, join the group first, before placing order for Similimum Ultra at the reduced price.

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You need not pay any money or go for any ‘seminar’ to learn the real SCIENTIFIC HOMEOPATHY. Find some time to read the 250 plus articles published on It will be an experience more valuable and productive than hundreds of seminars.If you read all those articles carefully and try to clearly understand what are said in them, you will come out as a new man- a new homeopath with a new vision regarding the theory and practice of homeopathy.

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Some homeopaths seem to be afraid that homeopathy cannot exist without the support of concepts such as ‘vital force’ and ‘dynamic drug energy’. They seem to fear that the whole ‘belief’ system of homeopathy will fall down if those ideas are discarded or proved wrong. That is why they fight tooth and nail to defend those concepts by virulently attacking anybody who say that those concepts are unscientific and unnecessary. Once you understand the concepts of ‘molecular imprints’ as well as the biological mechanism of homeopathic cure as explained by MIT, you will realize that homeopathy can not only exist, but will become much stronger and acceptable even without ‘vital force’ and ‘dynamic drug energy’.

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Advancement of science during the last two hundred years since hahnemann left the science has unraveled the molecular processes of life and diseases to such a level that we can now logically explain the fundamental principles of homeopathy on a new scientific basis that our master was unable to do due to the historical limitations of knowledge available to him. We will be doing gross injustice to the great genius of Hahnemann, if we still continue to stick on to his historically obsolete unscientific explanations. We should exhibit the intellectual courage to mercilessly discard the evidently irrational and unscientific parts of Hahnemannian homeopathy such as ‘vital force’ and ‘dynamic energy’. Same time, we should safeguard its inner kernel of the great natural therapeutic law of ‘similia similibus curentur’ and the therapeutic application of ‘molecular imprints’, which our master called ‘potentized’ drugs. We should bravely replace the concept ‘vital force’ with scientific understanding of ‘vital process’ as explained by modern life sciences.

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